4-25 Bapaume Rd-1
4-25 Bapaume Rd-2
4-25 Bapaume Rd-3
4-25 Bapaume Rd-4
4-25 Bapaume Rd-6
4-25 Bapaume Rd-9
4-25 Bapaume Rd-11
4-25 Bapaume Rd-1
4-25 Bapaume Rd-2
4-25 Bapaume Rd-3
4-25 Bapaume Rd-4
4-25 Bapaume Rd-6
4-25 Bapaume Rd-9
4-25 Bapaume Rd-11
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Bapaume Road, Mosman, NSW

March 2024 

Price: Withheld Off-Market   2   1   1 

Joe Avakian purchased this rare and highly sought after art-deco apartment for his client off-market. Prior to engaging Cohen Handler the client struggled to find the right home for over 18 months.

After engaging Cohen Handler, the client was presented with several opportunities on and off-market over 4 months until they landed on the perfect property.

Joe utilised his relationship with the sales agent to provide his client first access to inspect the property, affording them a competitive edge.

The strong appeal of this property is the boutique size of the building comprising just 4 units while also being in an excellent position. Our client also loved the spacious master bedroom, views of Middle Harbour and short walk to Balmoral Beach.